
2019 LA Art Show

2019 LA Art Show Video

When we talk about art, we are seeing the diversity of multiple cultures. This year, my first time to visit the LA Art Show, I’m impressed with its sense of selected artworks by the galleries all over the world.

My favorite artworks in the show.

Artist: Stephen Mackey

The Fantasy Oil Painting.
Draw fantasy
Contemporary Surrealistic

Sold. USD$2,900

Stephen is a self-taught artist, currently resides in the U.K, and he is low profile on the internet. His artworks are fantasy with animals and surrealistic characters.

Artist: Jeffrey Chong Wang.
Sold. USD$7,900

Jeffrey Chong Wang lives in Canada and his works often reflect the memory from his childhood in China.


Artist: RISK

Risk is a Los Angeles based artist and one of a pioneer of graffiti artist which get well-known when he painted in the subway train.  The artwork is a real police car which cut into half, you can see the parts.

Artist: Anthony James
Portal  Icosahedron
LED Light, Steel, Specialized Glass

It looks like mirrors but it’s not, it’s made with specialized glass and when you look inside you can see the endless angles and reflections.

Artist: Cristian Castro
27 Peces

Christian Castro is an Argentinian artist.  The artwork is a group of machine fishes with funny faces.


2016 Collision-DJ 進化論-將人體變成樂器

在Collision可以看到各種新創Startup,今年多了以“音樂”為主題的新創科技舞台。Remidi的創辦人Andrea Baldereschi,除了有工程師的資歷以外,也是夜店的DJ。在古老的迪斯可年代,DJ都要帶著重重的黑膠唱片箱去夜店放歌,在進化一點,DJ可以用CD放歌,千禧年之後,CD播放器也少了,手提電腦和手機都可以放歌。 Remidi可以說是下一波EDM電音演化論,將DJ或是使用者的雙手與midi結合,發出各種音樂聲響。從十幾歲就常跑夜店的我,見證了EDM的興衰史,當DJ開始用CD放歌時已經引人詬病,接者下來是用手提電腦,現在有人發明電音手套,把人跟樂器結合,真讓人為未來DJ的前途冒冷汗,以後夜店可以請素人上台即興創作,戴上手套後,就可以做音樂、混音、接歌,迎向人人都可以創作音樂當DJ的年代了! Video The wearable music instrument-Remidi


Electric Zoo 派獸總動員


Mike Bindra 和Laura de Palma夫妻檔於2009年創立Electric Zoo電音動物園(簡稱E Zoo),他們同時也是E.D.M社群 (Electric Dance Music)的重要推手與創辦人, 從80年代開始舉辦電音派對到至今。在EDM界,被稱做Mike and Laura,Mike在紐約的夜店Twilo當經理,Laura是名模,兩人活躍於夜生活與時尚圈。

在未發跡前,Mike在夜店端盤子是演員和服務生,Laura則是小模直到她開始在Alexander McQueen的服裝秀裡露臉,然後開始策劃After Party將藝術家、時尚圈人仕、High咖帶出秀場外繼續happy,完全是只有在紐約發生,有如電影情節般的故事。

我在2013年第一次參加Electric Zoo,那一年有John Digweed在Sunday School舞台,Tiesto 在主舞台放歌,那晚發生了兩個二十左右的年輕人用藥過量而死的憾事,因總總的批評聲浪與自我檢討,兩名主辦人取消了後兩天的檔期,我當天在場時並不知情,第二天看報紙與新聞才知道。之後去年他們拍了宣傳短片,raver的精神喊話從PLUR (Peace Love Unity Respect)改成YOLO (You Only Live Once)

今年的E Zoo有Chemical Brothers世界巡迴場帶來動力,雖然我已經過了去夜店狂歡的年紀,還是去湊湊熱鬧,週五同天也聽到了新一代的Martinez Brothers, Allison Wonderland。Adam Beyer也是同一天跟Chemical Brothers不同場,E Zoo的票雖然昂貴,好處是可以一次看到很多國際級DJ表演。E Zoo也很懂行銷,我買的是早鳥票單日卷$79,之後他們逐步提高票價到當日就是$130,我省了將近$50元。他們還有各種分期付款組合,讓學生可以減少負擔。

今年的E Zoo進化很多,首先是門票部分,場內買酒水無現金交易,門票是個手環加上RFID感應式晶片充值金額後使用,買酒買食物都要用充值卡購賣。另一項高科技是手機應用app,去之前可以先下載E Zoo的app,上面有所有場次表,DJ和藝人介紹和串流音樂分享,還有地圖,手機充值、Snapchat與臉書分享照片軟體。

因前兩年的悲劇,今年的E Zoo找來了維他命水當贊助商,發送免費瓶裝可以無限量免費喝,此外,如不想花錢買礦泉水或是酒水,場內有多處飲水機可以飲用,舞台兩側都有救護站,醫護人員更是會不時在場內巡邏。活動廁所也很多,完全不用排隊上廁所。 飲食部分也可圈可點,龍蝦三明治、BBQ燒烤,各種美食都有。E Zoo在紐約市郊外的一座小島Randall Island舉辦,必須要搭渡輪、步行或搭巴士才能過橋,前年搭接駁巴士等兩小時太久了,今年就花點錢搭Lyft過去,省掉交通時間,多一點時間在裡面玩。

E Zoo是Day Rave,從中午十二點到傍晚十一點結束,還可以趕在午夜之前回家睡覺,十分健康。去之前最好先研究場次和地圖,分有主場,Sunday School,RiverSide等等,還有很多裝置藝術可以參觀。如果想要更high一點,也可以把自己打扮成一隻派對動物去跟其他派對動物同歡。



ArtHamptons為The Hamptons EXPO Group(HEG)旗下舉辦的藝博會,創辦人與總經理Rick Friedman曾經是軟體公司老闆,擁有多家數位媒體與雜誌,他本身也是收藏家,收藏多幅美國當代藝術作品,鍾愛Abstract Expression風格。ArtHamptons為最早在長島漢普敦舉辦的藝博會,至今已邁入第八年。HEG除了ArtHamptons,同時還舉辦ArtAspen、HFAF、PalmSpringsFineArtFair等藝博會。

今年的ArtHamptons由來自十四個國家、七十間藝廊聯合展出。台灣藝術家暨高雄市美術協會理事長鄭弼洲 (法拉盛黃氏藝廊)的作品被挑選在展區的VIP Lounge展出獲得十分好評。作品「心中的月」,由明月見心,觀者自賞各有不同風景,頗具詩境。

京都的藝廊Gallery G-77 展出新銳藝術家Hiroko Shina的插畫。手袋設計師Bruce Makowsky的「Spirit Of Ecstasy 」Pop Art普普系列初次登場,將香奈兒、路易威登、愛馬仕等知名品牌一次玩個夠。

西班牙畫家Marti-Bofarull(Villa del Arte Galleries)他喜歡都會與人文場景,作品常取景自曼哈頓與知名地標,深受紐約客喜歡。

ArtHamptons including 14 countries and 70 selected galleries

I saw the big names, Warhol, De Kooning, Keane...I was impressed by the outstanding international contemporary art.

Gallery: G-77
Kyoto, Japan
Artist: Hiroko Shina

Gallery: Axiom Contemporary
Santa Monica, California
Artist: Bruce Makowsky

The debut of Bruce Makowsky's "Spirit of Ecstasy" series at ArtHamptons. Bruce Makowsky is a designer and a successful real estate developer.

Gallery: Huang Gallery
Flushing, New York
Artist: Pi-Chou Cheng 鄭弼洲

Gallery: Villa del Arte Galleries
Barcelona, Amsterdam
Artist: Marti Bofarull

"Art is the only thing making us different from the rest of animals" ---Marti Bofarull




地點:Private Estate, Lumber Lane Reserve
900 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton, NY 11932 

Art+Design 2015 
地點:19 Horsemill Ln, Bridgehampton, NY11932

Art Southhampton 


ADHome Design Show-"AeroPods" for your home bar, by Dean Jackson

I saw a creative furniture design called "AeroPod" by Dean Jackson at Architectural Digest Home Design Show. The collection was inspired by classic cars and Faberge eggs. All custom hand-made with signed, limited the editions. I've always want to build a home bar at home. This design is good for a small space, and it's not only has an interesting design but also has a compact style.

Brandy Cabinet


Abstract Painting: Dancing With The Clouds

Painting Title: Abstract: Dancing With The Clouds

Acrylic on Canvas Paper

Size: 9 H x 12 W x 0.1 in 

My original abstract artwork, I used acrylic and Finished with final coat of varnish. 

I will signed the artwork when it is shipped out.