
【台灣樂團編年史-樂團火系列二16】Editec電輯器 專訪



「時間」本來收錄在Editec的專輯裡,由Sybil(林祉君)與Tomi對唱,Tomi新組超音界樂團,重新翻唱時間,新版由夏琳恩與Tomi對唱。 「時間」有著80年代新浪潮的旋律,在Editec那張專輯裡屬於最抒情一首慢歌,另外一首慢歌「逃離寂寞」也不錯,只可惜那時讓阿推畫的插畫完全被剪掉(?) 那時的MV,我本來想用個外星人離開地球的概念,不解的是那些阿推的插畫本該出現在「逃離寂寞」的MV裡,最後出現的版本卻是只有字體的動畫版, 也許是因為那時風雲已經走了下坡,沒有錢製作。

作詞:林祉君 / 夏琳恩 作曲 : 傅超華 演唱 : 夏琳恩 / 傅超華

時間代表著一種永恆 no end and no beginning


no matter good or bad


no matter how much it hurts 時間考驗所有的真理

no matter how long it’s gonna take

時間讓生命美好 時間讓人變蒼老 時間創造新感受 時間是無情殺手 時間它不會從頭 你想選擇怎樣走 炫影七彩的泡沫 枷鎖幻滅或參透


What we see Hong Kong from Netflix Original TV shows

Recently I saw some TV shows and movies from Netflix.  The stories, however, reflect the situations in Hong Kong, young people struggle with financial difficulties.

Hong Kong West Side Stories is a dark comedy and reveals the obstacles of real residents' stories in Hong Kong, a big family lives in a small flat, two young brothers trying to inherit the house from their father and try to let their wives get pregnant.

Hong Kong West Side Stories


Startupfest-Sofa, Tent Villages and Pitches

Startupfest is the first outdoor tech startup event I've attended. The 9th edition of Startupfest held in Parc Jean-Drapeau park, with grass and sky, you can have picnics in the break.

Montreal is the city has been a home of large series A round in Canada. 

The 4 days festival included workshop, pitch competition, Keynote stages, and network parties. 

Inside the Startupfest, there is another event called, ArtupFest. ArtupFest is for artists, designers and art lovers to go.