
完整版字幕/柬埔寨受害正妹皮皮遭囚全紀錄!7天轉賣4次、不順從就被電 @東森新聞 CH51

東張西望|有港人早前被誘騙赴柬埔寨「做筍工」,登車到目的地途中始覺不妥,驚險奪門逃命!| TVBUSA

讓你"走"不了! 赴柬埔寨被"退貨"丟包 男雙腳遭毆打險喪命 揭人蛇集團惡行 音樂調大聲為掩蓋暴力行刑│記者 徐湘芸 王翊軒│【LIVE大現場】...


【柬埔寨詐騙】獨家》33歲林男淘金夢碎 被虐重傷丟包柬埔寨街頭 @東森新聞 CH51

( Sensitive content) Taiwanese been human-trafficking to Cambodia and Dubai by snakeheads and forced to scam their friends and family to get back to Taiwan.

( Sensitive content) 

Video: High risk | Chinese and Taiwanese mobs reunion in Cambodia

Viewer discretion advised

Taiwanese been human-trafficking to Cambodia and Dubai by snakeheads and forced to scam their friends and family to get back to Taiwan.

When victims refuse to work for mobs, they will be punished to be sex workers and transfer to other areas to sell organs. 

The whistleblower is a 29-year-old Taiwanese Youtuber, Bump who went to Cambodia and Dubai, he save forty Taiwanese back to Taiwan. One of the girls had just back to Taiwan and went on TV news and shared her story. She had been tortured and raped by the Chinese mafia. 

So far reported more than 200 missing people, mostly youth, and for those who got back to Taiwan, they revealed the scariest part, it’s the pyramid scam, if they want to be free, they will need to scam friends and family to come to Cambodia to work for the scammer in the call center in Sihanoukville, known as the startup tech hub in Cambodia. 

Chinese mobs incorporated with Taiwanese mobs, when they not getting the money from the victims' families, the victims will be trafficked to KK park or other areas to sell organs and blood. Female victims will be transmitted to be sex workers. 

This is real, I’m freaking out, as I research more news, South East Asia and Dubai are dangerous now, they have large organizations controlling the human trafficky market. 

Be careful and stay safe if you need to travel to South East Asia or Dubai. 


Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) 

Bump: flew to Cambodia to save the victims; false accusations by local police 


Shasha77: Taiwanese forced to scam in Cambodia ( English subtitle available ) 


Escape from Cambodia -BBC News


No Cambodia left': how Chinese money is changing Sihanoukville via The Guardian


From Industrial-Scale Scam Centers, Trafficking Victims Are Being Forced to Steal Billions

CNN Freedom Project: Cambodia Sex Trafficking Victims

#humantrafficking #sextrafficking #scam #chinesemob #taiwanesemob #taiwan #malasia #dubai #cambodia #youtuberbump #youtubershasha77 #Sihanoukville 

Repost: 親自飛到柬埔寨救人!卻被當地警察出賣… 跟受害者一起逃回台灣!【好棒Bump】【詐騙解碼後續】