
TECHSPRESSIONISM 2021 online opening Tuesday, October 26, at 2 PM EST New York Time

TECHSPRESSIONISM 2021 online opening 
 Tuesday, October 26, at 2 PM EST New York Time

Techspressionism 2021 is a survey exhibition spanning a diverse field of artists from 26 nations around the world utilizing technology as a means of personal expression. The initial online call for entry received over 1200 artwork submissions. 

When approached as a social sculpture, Techspressionism allows for societal change to be made, allowing participants in the movement to actively work towards a more inclusive future for contemporary art.

Exhibition Advisor: Helen Harrison. The director of the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center in East Hampton 

Curated by Colin Goldberg and Patrick Lichty. Goldberg coined the term “Techspressionism” as the title for a solo exhibition in Southampton NY in 2011. It was first described as a movement in the 2014 WIRED article “If Picasso had a Macbook Pro” and later elaborated upon in a 2015 interview on the PBS show Art Loft. He is a recipient of grants from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation and the New York State Council on the Arts. 

Patrick Lichty is a media artist/designer/animator, theorist, and curator of thirty years who works in areas of mediation, virtuality, experimental media, media archaeology, and activism. 


Trance Omni Nation 1183 by Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman

#tranceomnination #codeart #dubwomancollection #nftart #nftcollector #nftinvestment #openseaNFT #techspressionism #techspressionist

Trance omni nation 1181-Empire State by Dubwoman AKA Giovanna Sun

#tranceomnination #codeart #dubwomancollection #nftart #nftcollector #nftinvestment #openseaNFT #techspressionism #techspressionist

Trance Omni Nation 1182 by Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman

#tranceomnination #codeart #dubwomancollection #nftart #nftcollector #nftinvestment #openseaNFT #techspressionism #techspressionist

Trance Omni Nation 1080 by Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman

#tranceomnination #codeart #dubwomancollection #nftart #nftcollector #nftinvestment #openseaNFT #techspressionism #techspressionist


Trance Utopia vintage garden by Dubwoman AKA Giovanna Sun

#tranceutopia #surrealistm #surrealart #openseanft #dubwoman #giovannasun #techspressionism #techspressionist #nft #nftinvestment #nftinvestor #nftcollector