
Electric Zoo 派獸總動員


Mike Bindra 和Laura de Palma夫妻檔於2009年創立Electric Zoo電音動物園(簡稱E Zoo),他們同時也是E.D.M社群 (Electric Dance Music)的重要推手與創辦人, 從80年代開始舉辦電音派對到至今。在EDM界,被稱做Mike and Laura,Mike在紐約的夜店Twilo當經理,Laura是名模,兩人活躍於夜生活與時尚圈。

在未發跡前,Mike在夜店端盤子是演員和服務生,Laura則是小模直到她開始在Alexander McQueen的服裝秀裡露臉,然後開始策劃After Party將藝術家、時尚圈人仕、High咖帶出秀場外繼續happy,完全是只有在紐約發生,有如電影情節般的故事。

我在2013年第一次參加Electric Zoo,那一年有John Digweed在Sunday School舞台,Tiesto 在主舞台放歌,那晚發生了兩個二十左右的年輕人用藥過量而死的憾事,因總總的批評聲浪與自我檢討,兩名主辦人取消了後兩天的檔期,我當天在場時並不知情,第二天看報紙與新聞才知道。之後去年他們拍了宣傳短片,raver的精神喊話從PLUR (Peace Love Unity Respect)改成YOLO (You Only Live Once)

今年的E Zoo有Chemical Brothers世界巡迴場帶來動力,雖然我已經過了去夜店狂歡的年紀,還是去湊湊熱鬧,週五同天也聽到了新一代的Martinez Brothers, Allison Wonderland。Adam Beyer也是同一天跟Chemical Brothers不同場,E Zoo的票雖然昂貴,好處是可以一次看到很多國際級DJ表演。E Zoo也很懂行銷,我買的是早鳥票單日卷$79,之後他們逐步提高票價到當日就是$130,我省了將近$50元。他們還有各種分期付款組合,讓學生可以減少負擔。

今年的E Zoo進化很多,首先是門票部分,場內買酒水無現金交易,門票是個手環加上RFID感應式晶片充值金額後使用,買酒買食物都要用充值卡購賣。另一項高科技是手機應用app,去之前可以先下載E Zoo的app,上面有所有場次表,DJ和藝人介紹和串流音樂分享,還有地圖,手機充值、Snapchat與臉書分享照片軟體。

因前兩年的悲劇,今年的E Zoo找來了維他命水當贊助商,發送免費瓶裝可以無限量免費喝,此外,如不想花錢買礦泉水或是酒水,場內有多處飲水機可以飲用,舞台兩側都有救護站,醫護人員更是會不時在場內巡邏。活動廁所也很多,完全不用排隊上廁所。 飲食部分也可圈可點,龍蝦三明治、BBQ燒烤,各種美食都有。E Zoo在紐約市郊外的一座小島Randall Island舉辦,必須要搭渡輪、步行或搭巴士才能過橋,前年搭接駁巴士等兩小時太久了,今年就花點錢搭Lyft過去,省掉交通時間,多一點時間在裡面玩。

E Zoo是Day Rave,從中午十二點到傍晚十一點結束,還可以趕在午夜之前回家睡覺,十分健康。去之前最好先研究場次和地圖,分有主場,Sunday School,RiverSide等等,還有很多裝置藝術可以參觀。如果想要更high一點,也可以把自己打扮成一隻派對動物去跟其他派對動物同歡。



ArtHamptons為The Hamptons EXPO Group(HEG)旗下舉辦的藝博會,創辦人與總經理Rick Friedman曾經是軟體公司老闆,擁有多家數位媒體與雜誌,他本身也是收藏家,收藏多幅美國當代藝術作品,鍾愛Abstract Expression風格。ArtHamptons為最早在長島漢普敦舉辦的藝博會,至今已邁入第八年。HEG除了ArtHamptons,同時還舉辦ArtAspen、HFAF、PalmSpringsFineArtFair等藝博會。

今年的ArtHamptons由來自十四個國家、七十間藝廊聯合展出。台灣藝術家暨高雄市美術協會理事長鄭弼洲 (法拉盛黃氏藝廊)的作品被挑選在展區的VIP Lounge展出獲得十分好評。作品「心中的月」,由明月見心,觀者自賞各有不同風景,頗具詩境。

京都的藝廊Gallery G-77 展出新銳藝術家Hiroko Shina的插畫。手袋設計師Bruce Makowsky的「Spirit Of Ecstasy 」Pop Art普普系列初次登場,將香奈兒、路易威登、愛馬仕等知名品牌一次玩個夠。

西班牙畫家Marti-Bofarull(Villa del Arte Galleries)他喜歡都會與人文場景,作品常取景自曼哈頓與知名地標,深受紐約客喜歡。

ArtHamptons including 14 countries and 70 selected galleries

I saw the big names, Warhol, De Kooning, Keane...I was impressed by the outstanding international contemporary art.

Gallery: G-77
Kyoto, Japan
Artist: Hiroko Shina

Gallery: Axiom Contemporary
Santa Monica, California
Artist: Bruce Makowsky

The debut of Bruce Makowsky's "Spirit of Ecstasy" series at ArtHamptons. Bruce Makowsky is a designer and a successful real estate developer.

Gallery: Huang Gallery
Flushing, New York
Artist: Pi-Chou Cheng 鄭弼洲

Gallery: Villa del Arte Galleries
Barcelona, Amsterdam
Artist: Marti Bofarull

"Art is the only thing making us different from the rest of animals" ---Marti Bofarull




地點:Private Estate, Lumber Lane Reserve
900 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton, NY 11932 

Art+Design 2015 
地點:19 Horsemill Ln, Bridgehampton, NY11932

Art Southhampton 


ADHome Design Show-"AeroPods" for your home bar, by Dean Jackson

I saw a creative furniture design called "AeroPod" by Dean Jackson at Architectural Digest Home Design Show. The collection was inspired by classic cars and Faberge eggs. All custom hand-made with signed, limited the editions. I've always want to build a home bar at home. This design is good for a small space, and it's not only has an interesting design but also has a compact style.

Brandy Cabinet


Abstract Painting: Dancing With The Clouds

Painting Title: Abstract: Dancing With The Clouds

Acrylic on Canvas Paper

Size: 9 H x 12 W x 0.1 in 

My original abstract artwork, I used acrylic and Finished with final coat of varnish. 

I will signed the artwork when it is shipped out. 


Art On Paper's First Edition -Wrap Up

I had a great time during the show, so many sophisticated paper artworks. I liked the theme and how galleries and artists created their own art on paper.  I saw installation, sculpture, photography, drawing and painting.

The VIP night was opening with a music band called "Live-Footage". I saw their live performance once at ArtMarketHamptons last year, I was impressed by their electronic beats mixed with the violin.

It had been a long time, I haven't seen so many contemporary artworks which curated with the art on paper idea, I like the theme and I love to see any new art show besides The Armory Show.

A 'Dance at the Circus' by Mike Stilkey. 2014, acrylic paint on discarded books 101" x 40" x 11"