During the Eto Period, Japan is an open country for love and romance than any western country. Another gender besides man and woman is called "Third Gender"
Wakashu is the third gender which man and woman are not the only genders, the boy and girl can make their own choice for their sexual orientation. Wakashu can have both male and female lovers.
Unfortunately, when western culture came to Japan, only identified two genders as male and female and leading the disappearance of the third gender.
日本在伊豆時代對於情愛與兩性關係比西方任何國家都開放。在當時除了男性與女性以外,有第三種性別。 若眾(Wakashu)是第三種性別,男人與女人不是唯一的性徵。女孩與男孩可以選擇他們的性取向。若眾可以同時有男性與女性戀人。 當西方文化進入日本後,很不幸的只把性別分為男性與女性,所以第三性漸漸的從日本文化中消失。
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