今年的ArtHamptons由來自十四個國家、七十間藝廊聯合展出。台灣藝術家暨高雄市美術協會理事長鄭弼洲 (法拉盛黃氏藝廊)的作品被挑選在展區的VIP Lounge展出獲得十分好評。作品「心中的月」,由明月見心,觀者自賞各有不同風景,頗具詩境。
京都的藝廊Gallery G-77 展出新銳藝術家Hiroko Shina的插畫。手袋設計師Bruce Makowsky的「Spirit Of Ecstasy 」Pop Art普普系列初次登場,將香奈兒、路易威登、愛馬仕等知名品牌一次玩個夠。
西班牙畫家Marti-Bofarull(Villa del Arte Galleries)他喜歡都會與人文場景,作品常取景自曼哈頓與知名地標,深受紐約客喜歡。
ArtHamptons including 14 countries and 70 selected galleries
I saw the big names, Warhol, De Kooning, Keane...I was impressed by the outstanding international contemporary art.
Gallery: G-77
Kyoto, Japan
Artist: Hiroko Shina
Gallery: Axiom Contemporary
Santa Monica, California
Artist: Bruce Makowsky
The debut of Bruce Makowsky's "Spirit of Ecstasy" series at ArtHamptons. Bruce Makowsky is a designer and a successful real estate developer.
Flushing, New York
Artist: Pi-Chou Cheng 鄭弼洲
Gallery: Villa del Arte Galleries
Barcelona, Amsterdam
Artist: Marti Bofarull
"Art is the only thing making us different from the rest of animals" ---Marti Bofarull