
Trance Utopia-A partner in crime

Title: Trance Utopia-A partner in crime

Artist: Giovanna Sun

Dark history of Adam and Eve. Rared punishment scene. The forbidden story about how the partner in crime got punished. The price of apples increasing every year and make the angel feels angry.

LoL DogeCoin Moon Card-N-1


Fine Art, XR, and Crypto NFT Art evolution  

Fine Art, XR, and Crypto NFT Art evolution
Artist talk with the leading pioneer-Brooke Einbender 
Date: February 15, Monday at 9PM EST New York Time(7PM Colorado Time)  
Hosted by Giovanna Sun 

Live fire chat on ClubHouse ID: @dubwoman Live video on Everytale 
 Date: February 15, Monday at 9PM EST New York Time / 7PM Colorado Time Live fire Chat on ClubHouse @dubwoman 
 Live video talk on Everytale.net.  https://app.everytale.net