Recently I saw some TV shows and movies from Netflix. The stories, however, reflect the situations in Hong Kong, young people struggle with financial difficulties.
Hong Kong West Side Stories is a dark comedy and reveals the obstacles of real residents' stories in Hong Kong, a big family lives in a small flat, two young brothers trying to inherit the house from their father and try to let their wives get pregnant.
Hong Kong West Side Stories
Startupfest is the first outdoor tech startup event I've attended. The 9th edition of Startupfest held in Parc Jean-Drapeau park, with grass and sky, you can have picnics in the break.
Montreal is the city has been a home of large series A round in Canada.
The 4 days festival included workshop, pitch competition, Keynote stages, and network parties.
Inside the Startupfest, there is another event called, ArtupFest. ArtupFest is for artists, designers and art lovers to go.
When we talk about art, we are seeing the diversity of multiple cultures. This year, my first time to visit the LA Art Show, I’m impressed with its sense of selected artworks by the galleries all over the world.
My favorite artworks in the show.
Artist: Stephen Mackey
The Fantasy Oil Painting.
Draw fantasy
Contemporary Surrealistic
Sold. USD$2,900
Stephen is a self-taught artist, currently resides in the U.K, and he is low profile on the internet. His artworks are fantasy with animals and surrealistic characters.
Jeffrey Chong Wang lives in Canada and his works often reflect the memory from his childhood in China.
Artist: RISK
Risk is a Los Angeles based artist and one of a pioneer of graffiti artist which get well-known when he painted in the subway train. The artwork is a real police car which cut into half, you can see the parts.
Artist: Anthony James
Portal Icosahedron
LED Light, Steel, Specialized Glass
It looks like mirrors but it’s not, it’s made with specialized glass and when you look inside you can see the endless angles and reflections.
Artist: Cristian Castro
27 Peces
Christian Castro is an Argentinian artist. The artwork is a group of machine fishes with funny faces.
在Collision可以看到各種新創Startup,今年多了以“音樂”為主題的新創科技舞台。Remidi的創辦人Andrea Baldereschi,除了有工程師的資歷以外,也是夜店的DJ。在古老的迪斯可年代,DJ都要帶著重重的黑膠唱片箱去夜店放歌,在進化一點,DJ可以用CD放歌,千禧年之後,CD播放器也少了,手提電腦和手機都可以放歌。
The wearable music instrument-Remidi