




Podcast: Coinbase宣布即將上架狗狗幣、我如何找到NFT藏家


Coinbase宣布即將上架狗狗幣、我如何找到NFT藏家 點我收聽

今早讀到了Coindesk的新聞,Coinbase的CEO Brian Armstrong在第一季營利報告中說Coinbase正在加速讓狗狗幣上架,他也提到未來會讓數位資產digital assets上架到Coinbase。



根據Know Your Meme.com 的敘述,Doge這個單字第一次出現於2005年的Homestar Runner裡的木偶戲裡,Homestar把他的電腦叫做Doge。


日本的幼稚園老師在他的部落格上發了幾張他的救援犬Kabusu的照片,Kabusu是一隻日本柴犬,他的眼睛睜得很大,眉毛往上抬的誇張表情,這幾張照片被科技新聞網the verge報導後,這隻狗之後大受網路鄉民歡迎,各種梗圖與迷因在網路瘋傳。就是狗狗幣肖像的原型。

狗狗幣的共同創辦人為IBM的工程師Billy Markus一開始只是為了把一個惡趣味給發揚光大,柴犬的迷因象徵著鄉民的盲從與大眾的集體風潮,狗狗幣本身就是個反諷,而它更有著去中心化的精神,一個完全不被主流認可,地下社會與網路世界的迷因變成去中心化的迷因貨幣,即便很多人嘲笑狗狗幣的無用,但是無用與魯蛇不就是跟我們現實世界中大部分的人一樣嗎?大部分的中產階級終其一生都無法暴富,小小的幸福來自於家人與朋友或是寵物的溫暖,狗狗幣剛好就是種很便宜可擁有的貨幣,一顆開始只要10分美金,人人都可以買個幾千幾萬顆,給自己個強大的滿足感,而且狗狗幣又很萌,各種千奇百怪的梗圖很有娛樂效果,看到狗狗幣的梗圖我就想笑。

狗狗幣的支持者當中最被廣為人知的就是特斯拉與Space X的創辦人Elon Musk,他在推特稱自己為狗幣之父並且宣布狗幣將用在Space X火箭的支付系統裡。另外一個名人就是Shark Tank的Mark Cuban,他旗下的NBA娛樂公司接受狗幣支付。


狗狗幣是顆非常平民的虛擬貨幣,即便它既不是能源幣或是有著任何以太坊的創新技術,也不是像比特幣般有著稀缺性,但是它有著滿滿的吸引力,這隻狗的臉非常療癒,在疫情期間,紐約市一封城,貓狗收容所裡的流浪貓狗被收養光了,我的現實環境無法養狗,但是我可以養一隻虛擬的狗狗,狗狗幣像是我幻想出來的寵物伴侶,每當創作狗狗幣的迷因卡牌與影片時,我真的覺得跟狗狗去了月球,實際上狗狗幣也真的可以帶我們去太空,Elon Musk的Space X火箭將運用狗狗幣。




我分享了很多如何推廣自己的NFT方式,Twitter、Clubhouse、Instagram都是很好的管道,我的Trance Utopia系列就是在IG上被Techspressionism推薦過,一口氣賣掉三件,而我在Clubhouse上認識到Karma也是因為積極的參與各種交談與分享,才有機會曝光。多認識其他的藝術家,很多藝術家都很樂意互相幫忙推廣,我也是因為在Clubhouse認識了一位藝術家,經由他的推薦,我才能上Foundation App,跳過了上萬個排隊的藝術家,Foundation App用一種最好方式讓藝術家可以建立自己的品牌魅力與評鑑方式,藝術家推薦藝術家就是最好的背書,你是不是藝術家是藝術家認爲你是你就是,不用畫廊或是經紀人去評論你,同時間也讓藝術家彼此幫忙推廣彼此的作品。



喜歡我的Podcast可以在Apple store和Spotify訂閱,歡迎合作與企業贊助,請來信到dubwoman@gmail.com 



不出賣的靈魂 一個在酒吧裡寫的故事 (Traditional Chinese Edition) Kindle Edition 本週免費下載

不出賣的靈魂 一個在酒吧裡寫的故事,已進入免費下載排行榜第三名(Traditional Chinese Edition) by Giovanna Sun 亞馬遜Kindle書店本週免費下載中 點我去亞馬遜書店

Frieze 開幕、紐約藝博重啟大門、NFT Now

Artbit feat Techspressionist, Michael Price interviewed by Davonte Bradley

Title: Kalamint Art 3 Artist: Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman

Title: Kalamint Art 3 Artist: Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman 

Kalamint Art 3

Kalamint Art series is inspired by Kalamint's logo and concept. It's the eco-friendly and community-based NFT marketplace for artists, curators, and collectors.

Title: Kalamint Art 2 by Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman

Title: Kalamint Art 2 

Kalamint Art 2

Artist: Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman 

Kalamint Art series is inspired the Kalamint's logo and concept. It's the eco-friendly and community-based NFT marketplace for artists, curators, and collectors.

Kalamint Art 1 by Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman

Title: Kalamint Art 1 

Artist: Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman 

Kalamint Art I

Kalamint Art series is inspired by Kalamint's logo and concept. It's the eco-friendly and community-based NFT marketplace for artists, curators, and collectors.

Trance Omni Nation Code World by Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman: Available on Kalamint

Trance Omni Nation Code World  



The Doge Father and Mother's day

西街盡頭 [英語] NFT Now Opening Recorded Live on Zoom : May 5, 2021

Artbit feat. NFT Now Opening - Recorded Live on Zoom : May 5, 2021

Artbit feat NFT Now-Recorded Live on Zoom: May 5, 2021

NFT Now Opening - Recorded Live on Zoom: May 5, 2021

Listen NFT Now virtual tour on Spotify

Curator: Anne Spalter

Opening Moderator: Davonte Bradley 

NFT Now’s juror is digital mixed-media artist Anne Spalter, an academic pioneer who founded the original digital fine arts programs at Brown University and The Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in the 1990s. 

She is noted for her large-scale installations and more recently AI and NFT art.  Ms. Spalter’s artist talks from 2020 and 2021 include the Techspressionist Artist Interview series, Whitehot Magazine podcast (listen on Spotify or Apple Music), MoCDA: 10 Questions in 10 Minutes, ISEA 2020, CADAF Online, Playform Insights, SuperRare (Panel Conversation with 4 female artists), Blockchain Game Alliance, and Talking Collecting: New Media Art (with Unfold Brics).Ms. Spalter authored the internationally taught textbook, The Computer in the Visual Arts (Addison-Wesley, 1999). Her artistic process combines a consistent set of personal symbols with a hybrid arsenal of traditional mark-making methods and innovative digital tools. A new body of work, further developed at a Winter 2019 residency at MASS MoCA, combines artificial intelligence algorithms with oil paint and pastels.  She is currently creating work for the blockchain.Spalter is also noted for her large-scale public projects. MTA Arts commissioned Spalter to create a 52-screen digital art installation, New York Dreaming, which remained on view in one of its most crowded commuter hubs (Fulton Center) for just under a year. Spalter’s 2019 large-scale projects included a 47,000 square foot LED video work on the Hong Kong harbor.

Spalter’s work is in the permanent collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, UK); the Albright-Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo, NY); the Rhode Island School of Design Museum (Providence, RI); The Museum of CryptoArt, and others. Alongside her studio practice, Spalter continues to lecture on digital art practice and theory. You can view Anne’s NFT artworks minted on SuperRare here and learn more about the artist and her work at AnneSpalter.com.


Alexandra Ehrlich

Alysia Davis

Ambre Kelly

Andy Thomas

Anne Spalter and The Josh Craig

Carter Hodgkin

Clive Holden

Coco Dolle

Colin Goldberg

David Young

Davonte Bradley

Erin Ko

Giovanna aka dubwoman

Gisel Florez

Jeff Davis

Jeremiah Palecek and Dennison Bertram

John F Simon Jr

Jonathan Paul (Desire Obtain Cherish)

Kate MacDonald

Linda Behar

Liyu Xue

Maja Kalogera

Martin Lukas Ostachowski

Matthew Plummer-Fernández

Michaël Borras aka Systaime

Patrick Lichty

Pindar van Arman

Roz Dimon and Negin Ehtesabian

Sean Mick

Simon De Mais

Snow Yunxue Fu

Sue Beyer

Tommy Mintz

Tyler Hobbs


NFT Now Opening - Recorded Live on Zoom : May 5, 2021


Una Notte A Napoli-Luna Sea Video by Giovanna Sun AKA Dubwoman

Una Notte A Napoli-Luna Sea Video As seen on NFT Now #nftinvestment #nftcollector #thefriezeartfair #nftvideo #opensea #artnet #unanotteanapoli #lunasea #dubwomancollection #techspressionism #techspressionist