













我最近參加了很多研討會都是音樂家與藝術家對於區塊鏈的藝術市場所充滿的疑問與好奇。唯一代幣NFT (NON-FUNGIBLE TOKEN)可將某位藝術家的作品透過區塊鏈變成無法取代的「藝術資產」,舉例說我畫了一張畫,我可以擁有原作後製作成限量的線上虛擬版本讓藏家收藏與互相交易,藝術家有了一個更深入的交易平台,這個平台有別於純展現藝術品的社交平台如Instagram或是純電商藝術交易平台。




區塊鏈的數據有著不可取代特性,數據傳輸時每個產生的節點( Node )都有著無法取代性,也有著獨特性,全部過程都是透明化,並讓擁有者擁有屬於自己的認證,可說是一大科技突破。


我從Coinbase研究比特幣與區塊鏈技術下的以太技術幣市場,以下是我在Coinbase 應用程式的觀察名單:







解決甲骨文公司智慧合約的區塊鏈技術,Chainlink 從實體市場收集活動數據保障合約安全。


Stellar Lumens 

整合區塊鏈代幣系統,以減少匯款交易費用為宗旨,Stellar Lumens解決國際匯款交易的問題。


在此分享Coinbase虛擬貨幣交易app邀請函,供市場觀察研究,註冊後觀看Stellar Lumens影片可賺得$40 XLM代幣










作者:Giovanna Sun  / Email: dubwoman@gmail.com


Does the soul weight

Who needs a soul when money can buy everything?

New York City—a dark universe.

On one side, it’s a glamorous city. On the other, it’s as dark as it gets.
To what part of the universe do you belong?

Free download this week until December 25.



My real-life footage in 2020

The Future of Art-VR, AI and Blockchain


Update:  We closed Artpot as our partners have different plans for this coming year, I registered Artbit to continue the art business, Artbit is a new company and focuses on art media, curations, VR, and NFTs not associated with Artpot. 

Vernissage Hamptons, Nude VR, High Line Chelsea Open Studios, and Park 23 Art Fair will push to summer and fall.  

Art, VR, AI, and Blockchain ( Video in above) 

What will art look like in 20 years?
The future may be uncertain, but some things are undeniable: climate change, shifting demographics, geopolitics.  The only guarantee is that there will be changes, both wonderful and terrible. It’s worth considering how artists will respond to these changes, as well as what purpose art serves, now and in the future.

Nine of the 10 most expensive paintings ever sold were made between 1892 and 1955, the only exception being a newly discovered Leonardo da Vinci from between 1490 and 1519, which fetched an extraordinary $450.3m at auction, making it the most expensive artwork ever sold. Every painting on the list was made by a white man, however, which doesn’t paint a very hopeful picture for equality. In the year 2040, art might not look like art (unless it’s a painting), but it will look like everything else, reflecting zeitgeists as multitudinous and diverse as the artists themselves.

Art clearly has a future that will continue to branch into new forms, including continuing to integrate new technology. Both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality offer excellent ways to create immersive work, where the viewer can experience the artwork utilizing a headset or phone. Is it just all about money? One of the art market’s greatest challenges for works where the artist is no longer alive is to verify its authenticity and provenance.

In a 2014 report, The Fine Arts Expert Institute (FAEI) in Geneva stated that over 50% of the artworks it had examined were either forged or not attributed to the correct artist. Blockchain could change this. As a public, decentralized list of records that are linked and secured using cryptography, blockchain’s key feature is its fragmented nature. Hosted by millions of computers simultaneously, no centralized version of the information exists for a hacker to access or corrupt. Thus blockchain is currently believed to be the most secure way to transfer digital data. Blockchain’s capacity to track and verify authenticity through timestamps on transactions and cryptographic signatures can solve that problem.
Event host: Manana Samuseva


Katya Zvereva, artist, NYC, LA https://www.instagram.com/katyazvereva

Christina Steinbrecher-Pfandt, the founder of Blockchain.art



Giovanna Sun, Artist, curator and the founder of Artbit


Manana Samuseva, iLIFT TV, BuroHQ, CryptoHQ, Women in Venture
